Level 1.1 Line

Draw a line starts with radius 120 by calling polarLine() function.

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polarLine() is the function to draw a single line. Three parameters can be passed to the single drawing funciton by the following order: angle, radius, and distance (distance is an optional parameter).

For example:
(1) polarLine(0, 40, 0) draws a line starting with a radius of 40.

(2) polarLine(30, 40, 0) draws a line starting at angle 30, with a radius of 40.

(3) polarLine(30, 40, 40) draws a line starting at angle 30, with a radius of 40, and move 40 distance from center point.

# Lv 1.1

# Lv 1.2

# Lv 1.3

# Lv 1.4